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Chapter 12. Storage Domains

12.1. Storage types
12.1.1. NFS
12.1.2. iSCSI and FCP
12.1.3. LOCAL
12.2. Files Sub-Collection
12.3. Import Existing Storage Domain
12.4. Delete Storage Domain
The storagedomains collection provides information about the storage domains in a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment. An API user accesses this information through the rel="storagedomains" link obtained from the entry point URI (see Chapter 4, Entry Point).
The following table shows specific elements contained in a storage domain resource representation.

Element property icons

The icons used in the properties column of this table are described in Table 8.1, “Element property icons”
Element Type Description Properties
name string A user-supplied human readable name for the storage domain. The name is unique across all storage domain resources.
link rel="permissions" string A link to the sub-collection for storage domain permissions. See Section 8.3.9, “ Permissions ”
link rel="files" string A link to the files sub-collection for this storage domains
type enumerated The storage domain type. A list of enumerated values are available in capabilities. See Section 7.1.7, “Storage Domain Types”.
master boolean: true or false true if this is the master storage domain of a data center
host complex A reference to the host on which this storage domain should be initialized. The only restriction on this host is that it should have access to the physical storage specified.
storage complex Describes the underlying storage of the storage domain. For more information see Section 12.1, “ Storage types ”.
available integer Space available in bytes
used integer Space used in bytes
committed integer Space committed in bytes
storage_format enumerated Describes the storage format version for the storage domain. A list of enumerated values are available in capabilities. See Section 7.1.19, “Storage Formats”
Example 12.1.  An XML representation of a storage domain
<storage_domain id="fabe0451-701f-4235-8f7e-e20e458819ed"
    <link rel="permissions"
    <link rel="files"

When creating a new storage domain, the name, type and storage elements are required. See Section 8.3.2, “ Creating a Resource ” for more information.
Example 12.2.  Creating a storage domain
POST /rhevm-api/storagedomains HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml

Only the name element may be updated post-creation. See Section 8.3.4, “ Updating a Resource ” for more information.
Example 12.3.  Updating a storage domain
PUT /rhevm-api/storagedomains HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-type: application/xml

The API user attaches the storage domain to a data center after creation. See Section 9.1, “ Storage Domains Sub-Collection ” for instructions.

12.1.  Storage types

The storage element contains a type element, which is an enumerated value found under the capabilities collection. See Section 7.1.6, “Storage Types”.
The storage element also contains additional elements specific to each storage type. The next few section examine these additional storage type elements.

12.1.1.  NFS

The nfs specific elements in a storage description are:
Element Type Description Properties
address string The host name or IP address of the NFS server
path string The path of NFS mountable directory on the server

12.1.2.  iSCSI and FCP

The iscsi and fcp specific elements in a storage description are:
Element Type Description Properties
logical_unit id complex A storage domain may be composed of multiple iSCSI or FCP logical units
volume_group id complex Alternatively, a storage domain may be based on a single LVM Volume Group which, in turn, may be composed of multiple iSCSI or FCP logical units
In the case of iSCSI, if a logical_unit description also contains details of the iSCSI target containing the LUN in question, the target will be automatically logged into when the storage domain is created.

12.1.3.  LOCAL

The local specific elements in a storage description are:
Element Type Description Properties
path string The path of local storage domain on the host
A local storage domain requires a data center with storage_type set to LOCAL (see Chapter 9, Data Centers). This data center only contains a single host cluster, and the host cluster only contains a single host.