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8.3.6.  Sub-Collection Relationships

A sub-collection relationship defines hierarchical link between a resource and a sub-collection. The sub-collection exists, or at least has some meaning, in the context of a parent resource. For example, a virtual machine contains network interfaces, which means the API maps the relationship between the virtual machine resource and the network interfaces sub-collection.
The API defines a relationship between a resource and a sub-collection using the link rel= attribute:
GET /rhevm-api/{collection}/{resource_id} HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

<{resource} id="{resource_id}" href="/rhevm-api/{collection}/{resource_id}">
    <link rel="{subcollection}"
This means an API user queries the sub-collection at /rhevm-api/{collection}/{resource_id}/{subcollection}:
GET /rhevm-api/{collection}/{resource_id}/{subcollection} HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

    <{subresource} id="{subresource_id}"