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Chapter 21. Events

The rel="events" link obtained from the entry point URI accesses the events collection and lists system events from Red Hat Enterprise Virtualisation Manager.
Element Description
id= An opaque identifier for the event entry
description A description of the system event
code The integer event code. See Appendix A, Event Codes for a full list of event codes with descriptions.
severity The level of severity for the event. One of NORMAL, WARNING, ERROR or ALERT.
time The timestamp indicating when the event happened
user id= The identification code for the user who triggered the event
Example 21.1. An XML representation of the the events collection
    <event id="537" href="/rhevm-api/events/537">
        <description>User vdcadmin logged in.</description>
        <user id="9b9002d1-ec33-4083-8a7b-31f6b8931648"


The events collection is read-only.