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2.16. Check System Events

The start action for the vm1 creates several entries in the events collection. This example lists the events collection and identifies events specific to the API starting a virtual machine.
Example 2.19. List the events collection
GET /rhevm-api/events HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
The API returns a representation that includes the following:
    <event id="103" href="/rhevm-api/events/103">
        <description>User admin logged out.</description>
        <user id="80b71bae-98a1-11e0-8f20-525400866c73" 
    <event id="102" href="/rhevm-api/events/102">
        <description>vm1 was started by admin (Host: hypervisor).</description>
        <user id="80b71bae-98a1-11e0-8f20-525400866c73"
        <vm id="6efc0cfa-8495-4a96-93e5-ee490328cf48"
        <host id="0656f432-923a-11e0-ad20-5254004ac988"
    <event id="101" href="/rhevm-api/events/101">
        <description>User admin logged in.</description>
        <user id="80b71bae-98a1-11e0-8f20-525400866c73"
The following events have occured:
  • id="101" - The API authenticates with the admin user's username and password.
  • id="102" - The API, acting as the admin user, starts vm1 on the hypervisor host.
  • id="103" - The API logs out of the admin user account.